Significantly Reduce Maintenance With Installed Yard and Landscape Edging
Landscape edging are simple and attractive borders that prevent grass from invading your garden and that eliminate or significantly reduce the need for edge trimming. BLG has been in business for over 22 years and has extensive experience when it comes to installing landscape edging that requires almost no maintenance.
Landscape edging is a simple and subtle border that successfully separates your lawn from your garden. These borders are of 4-inch deep strips of steel, aluminum, plastic or stone (no concrete). BLG installs borders that bend easily into nimble curves and that prevent the spread of grass roots. Whether the work is done on a fairly even terrain, or on a terrain with lots of dips and rises, BLG professionally installs edging for long-lasting results.
BLG installs landscape edging that almost disappears against the grass, which creates a refined look. By making the border almost invisible, BLG is essentially enabling you to mow right over the top. Therefore, by installing the garden edging, BLG is significantly reducing the maintenance of your yard.
BLG has extensive experience when it comes to installing landscape edging and knows what thickness and what border material is most suited for your needs. Moreover, BLG is familiar with locating underground lines before digging and installing all edging.
BLG also installs concrete and brick paver borders, which are wider, and thicker borders that also work well as garden edging material. Paver designs can be installed on a flat surface thus also enabling you to mow right over the top. Paver borders also significantly reduce maintenance since you shouldn’t have to trim the edges after mowing.
When it comes to landscape edging, BLG shapes borders to make gradual curves and to create smooth lines. Whether you’ve selected a subtle border or a paver border, landscape edging installed by BLG will significantly reduce landscape maintenance.
Looking for an Orlando landscape designer with experience in landscape edging? Want to make your outdoor spaces beautiful so you can enjoy them with your family and friends? Schedule a consultation to get started today!