Beautiful Florida Landscape Designs in Heathrow FL

Beautiful Florida Landscape Designs in Heathrow FL by BLG Environmental Services

An Orlando area client was in need of beautiful Florida landscape designs in Heathrow, FL. They were looking for an experienced home landscape design company for their 1-acre estate and desired a new driveway and walkways, a mature lush landscape, and LED outdoor lighting.  They required everything to blend well with the existing oaks and architectural features of their home, so they chose BLG Environmental Services.

Heathrow Florida Landscape Designs – Excavation

Our Heathrow Florida home landscape design company began the project by excavating the old driveway.  4,000 square feet of new rustic pavers were carefully installed.   This included new walkways to access the backyard & parking areas and filling in flowerbeds that were prone to flooding.  Underground drainage was also added to prevent erosion and move water effectively.

Heathrow Florida landscape Designs – Trees, Shrubs and Plants

The Heathrow Florida landscape design continued with the installation of mature trees throughout the property to provide a mid-size compliment to the large oak trees.  Carefully selected shrubs and groundcover were added to provide contrast and interest.   Decorative pottery was also installed near the front door to add color and soften the paver driveway. An edible section was created which included various citrus and fruit trees to aid in fresh juice making.  Organic mulch was then placed around all plants to hold moisture and reduce weeds.

Heathrow Florida landscape Designs – LED Outdoor Lighting

Finally, the yard designer installed LED landscape lighting on all focal points including large oaks, architectural home features, and the outdoor pool area to bring the property alive at nighttime gatherings.

With the new Florida landscape designs implemented by BLG, this Heathrow Florida family will enjoy years of entertaining and artistic enjoyment day and night from the comfort of home.

Are you looking for beautiful Florida landscape designs in Heathrow FL? Entrust BLG, a home landscape company with decades of experience developing Orlando area landscapes. Contact BLG Environmental today and elevate your home landscape to new heights! Schedule a consultation with BLG Environmental Services to get started today!

Robert Burns, FCLD

FNGLA Certified Landscape Designer

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